A week ago, my child needed groceries. So, I drove nearly two hours one way and took him grocery shopping. I know he was hungry because he does not reach out to me unless he needs food. My heart both rejoices and breaks a little when he reaches out. It rejoices because he knows he can count on me, and breaks because his choices have him in the situation to ask for food. Still, I am his Mama, and my instinct is to nourish and protect him. Is that really what I am doing in this situation? Am I truly helping him or am I helping myself feel better? It is the latter I’m sure.

I won’t make excuses for my enabling. I’m struggling with my son’s addiction and his choices. Frankly, sometimes, I just need to lay eyes on him so I can sleep at night. I need to hear his voice and see him. Put my arms around him and give him a hug. But, something happened this time, that in his 20+ years on this earth have never happened before, he pulled back from my embrace. I was just going to pat the back of his neck as I was encouraging him to make better decisions, and he recoiled from my hand. And, just when you think your heart can’t break anymore. It does.

Before I could completely have a meltdown, we pulled into the place he is staying. He got out of the vehicle and began to unload groceries. He was thankful and appreciative, and gave me a hug before I left. This time too it was different. Not only now can I see my son slipping away, I can feel it … literally.

Daily, I continue to pray for him to have the strength to make better choices, and for me to be able to do what I need to do for him and for myself to survive this evil. I continue to go to therapy, take anxiety medication, and do my best to function daily. I read this scripture, which sums of love so beautifully, and reminds me of what I need to do.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It ALWAYS protects, ALWAYS trusts, ALWAYS hopes, and ALWAYS perseveres.”

Kristi Tinin-Hodge