December 28, 2021
OBi and I enjoyed a beautiful walk this morning. The sun was coming up and the clouds were parting and clearing.
We used the time to talk and pray. Well, OBi used the time that way. I was super focused on some unique smell apparently. I was very focused, nose to the ground, but I never did find the source.
When we got home, I enjoyed some time outside while OBi got some things ready for the day. When she went to get ready, I went and crawled back up and went back to sleep with Dad. He was home for a while before his community service today, so we slept in.
It’s been a rainy day here, so I have enjoyed napping and just chewing on my antler.
It’s been a good day. I’m thankful.
OBi says it’s time to think New Year's Resolutions. I’ll start thinking on those now. I wonder what some of my friends’ resolutions will be.
Until tomorrow.
#thedieseldiaries #recoverydog #resolutions #mamatriedlove