Who? What? Where? Why?
WHO: During one of the times my son was incarcerated, and we didn’t know what the extent of his sentence would be, he was particularly sad about the fact he would miss his ride-or-die pup, Diesel. (Pets are another forgotten casualty of addiction.)
WHAT: In an attempt to boost my son’s spirits; and, if I’m honest, feel like I was doing something to help him (and myself), I started #thedieseldiaries.
WHERE: These “diary entries” were written from Diesel’s point of view and were posted to social media platforms, FB & Insta. At the end of each month, I printed diary entries and mailed them to my son in jail.
WHY: To maintain some sanity, and to cope with my son’s incarceration. I truly started #thedieseldiaries to encourage my son and keep him in the loop on what was going on at home. In the middle of it all, I realized I was doing it as much for me as I was for my son. It’s therapy to write. Plus, Diesel gained a little fan base of folks who were encouraged and happy to see what Diesel was doing and “thinking”.
The goal for 2022 is to continue #thedieseldiaries and share them here on the site starting in 2022 and to Mama Tried Love’s social media platforms. The real goal is to bring awareness to addiction and in some way help anyone who is struggling.